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We're here to help you conquer your habit, so reach out to us with any questions you might have. 

We can help you troubleshoot the obstacles that might be getting in your way.

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What information do you share with my company?  

At most, we share only the fact that you installed The Habit Challenge App and your participation in a Habit Challenge. Your name is not associated with your individual history, so we do not and cannot share your habit or your daily answers. 

What tips do you have for choosing a habit?  

Choose a behavior that is something you do and not something you need to stop doing. If you need to stop doing it, you're trying to break a bad habit and that is a different process. Instead, flip the coin to find something you can start doing instead. For example, instead of "I need to stop eating junk food", try "I will pack a healhy lunch." Instead of saying, "I need to stop spending so much time on Facebook, say, "I will start charging my phone in another room. 

Also, choose a habit that happens every day or every workday. The more often you'll do this new habit, the quicker it will become engrained in your brain. And make sure it's something you have control over. Don't create habits for other people! 

What if I want to change my habit components such as my trigger, action, or reward?  

Discovering how a new habit works for the reality of your personality and daily life can require expermentation. You may realize that your original habit components weren't quite right. To change them, open The Habit Challenge Application. Click on Settings. Select the component you want to change, edit the component, and click "Update".

When should I choose "N/A" instead of "Yes" or "No"?  

Use N/A when you were asked if you did your habit but should not have been asked. For example, if your work schedule changes but you didn't change your reminder days in the app, mark N/A. If you have a very legitimate reason for missing, like having the flu, mark N/A. N/A answers will not counted in your success rate calculations.

If I miss marking a day, can I go back?  

No. Responding to and thinking about your new habit each day is an important factor in successfully creating a new habit, so you cannot go back and change your answers. 

I'm having trouble finding a good reward. How important is that?  

Repetition is the mother of habit, so the most important thing is that you repeat the action until the neural pathway is carved into your brain. A good reward will make it easier, because it makes your brain and your body a partner in creating a habit. If it feels good for them, then they'll want to do it, too. You're looking to create just a little hit of dopamine, and it can be something as simple as a heartfelt smile. Keep it simple but feeling good. 

Can I work on more than 1 habit at a time?  

No. On average it takes 66 days to create a new habit, so focus on a single habit for the entire 60 day challenge. Even when it's starting to feel easier, you may still have more neural pathway to create before it's really solidified in the brain. Starting an additional habit too soon could result in forming no habit at all.

What if I want to start a new habit?  

If you are really confident you've created a habit and want to switch to a new habit for the remainder of the challenge, open The Habit Challenge Application. Click on Settings. Under the Others heading, choose "Start New Habit" then follow the instructions for ending and starting a new habit. Your past habits are stored under the Past Habit section of the Settings Menu.

What does my current streak mean?  

Your current streak is the most recent number of consecutive days you have successfully completed.

What does longest streak mean?  

Your longest streak is the highest number of consecutive days you have successfully completed this habit since starting The Habit Challenge.

What is my Success Rate?  

Your success rate is the number of times you've successfully completed your habit compared to the total number of times you should have completed your habit.

What is Stats With Peers?  

Stats With Peers shows you the average success rate of your colleagues. 

I'm finished with the challenge. Now what happens?  

After 60 days, The Habit Challenge is complete. You may uninstall the application or start a new habit.

What do you with the results of my Habit Challenge?  

We use the aggregate results of The Habit Challenge to determine the overall effectiveness of the challenge. Your personally identifying habit or participation history are not shared with your employer. We do not share, sell, rent or trade any of your information with third parties for their promotional purposes. 

I'm struggling with my new habit. How can I get help?  

Go to Settings Menu. Under Support, you can click Request A Call and one of our habit creation specialists you reach out to you by phone. If you prefer, click on Email Questions and submit your question electronically. You may also email